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Meet Kevin: “You don’t exercise for others, you exercise for yourself”

Meet Kevin from Florida, who joined Bold in 2020 and loves live classes.

What motivated you to join Bold?

I was referred by a family member, and it made sense especially during COVID.

Where do you exercise and what does your setup look like?

It really can be anywhere, which is one of the things I like about Bold. I joined some live classes when I was on vacation, so I consider it very portable.

Has Bold helped to improve your balance and reduce your fear of falling?

Honestly, I’ve been very active my whole life, so balance and falling aren’t a primary concern at this point. I do realize that as I get older these will be more of a concern and I can see where Bold will help.

What do you love about Bold?

The portability and convenience. Also, the quality of instruction.

How has movement improved your overall well-being?

I move a lot—always have! Even though I’m sedentary at work, I still get in more than 75,000 steps in a week. In addition to Bold, I do 75 push-up first thing every morning, and I take care of my own yard—year-round in Florida. Because I don’t hit the gym as much as when I was younger, Bold offers a supplement to my other activities.

What sort of exercises do you like to do?

I did extensive weight training for many years. I used to run regularly as well. Now, I walk regularly and stay active with yard work, occasional bike rides and Bold.

Do you feel Bold has empowered you in other aspects of your life?

All exercise (including Bold workouts) is critical to mental and physical well-being.

How do you describe Bold to a friend?

As a convenient way to exercise on your own with quality instructors— it’s definitely worth a try!  If you get hooked, you’ll feel better! I tell people you don’t exercise for others, you do it for yourself!

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone who’s a bit worried about working out?

Set realistic goals and get started with an activity or two that you can maintain. Taking a Bold class every day or even every other day is a great way to start!

Have you done live classes, and how do you feel about them?

Yes, and like the energy of the live classes. Because I still work full-time, I can’t always attend so the other classes are important as well.