Introducing Bold’s new Explore page
It’s now easier than ever to navigate Bold’s library of hundreds of on-demand classes and blogs. On the brand-new Explore page, you’ll see new recommended classes daily. You’ll also be able to access Bold Talks, the blog, your saved classes, and more.
Watch a tour
How Bold recommends classes on Explore
At the top of your Explore page, you’ll see a mix of classes selected for you. When you log in to Bold, Bold recommends classes based on:
- Your answers to questions when you signed up for Bold on your background and preferences.
- Your viewing history and saved lessons.
Also available on Explore
You can now access all of the following, right from the Explore page:
- Bold Talks
- Bold blog articles
- Monthly Challenges
- Recordings from past live classes
- More classes from your favorite trainers
- Collections
- Your saved classes
- and more!
If you don’t see classes you want to take on a given day, you can search Bold’s class library or filter by type, trainer, duration, difficulty, or position.
See you in class!