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How to maintain your workout routine during the holidays

While it’s a wonderful time of year, it’s not uncommon to fall out of a routine during the holidays. Here at Bold, we want to help you stay on track to meet your fitness goals. Below are some simple things you can do to help you keep your workout regimen over the holidays.

Wake up earlier

Let’s face it. The holidays are an extremely busy, and often stressful, time of year. Once your day gets going, it can be hard to carve out time to exercise. Waking up even 15–20 minutes earlier than usual ensures you have time for fitness before the things get busy. Plus, it’s a great way to start the day!

Plan ahead

If you are traveling for the holidays, it is very easy to fall out of your routine. You aren’t in the comfort of your own home, and may not have access to your typical exercises. Before you leave, take some time to research what your options are for fitness in the area. Maybe you won’t be walking in your neighborhood like normal, but there could be a trail or park nearby you could explore. Or maybe you plan to pack your computer so you can take classes at-home! 

Make it a family affair

The holidays are often a time to see family, and it’s important to maximize time together. Implement an after-meal walk around the neighborhood, or ask others to join you for some yoga stretches to wind down before bed. 

Whatever your holiday plans are, Bold is here to support you! Find the perfect class for you today.