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How to get back into exercise after COVID-19

Getting back into your routine after a COVID-19 infection can be challenging. Long COVID refers to the conditions that may remain after your symptoms end, such as cough, brain fog, and fatigue.

Experts around the world are studying long COVID to help us understand how to return to normal life after the virus. One way they’re doing this is by exploring the link between exercise and the aftermath of COVID. Let’s dive into a few science-backed tips for exercising after a coronavirus infection:

Take a rest period

UCLA doctors recommend you take at least 2 weeks off in addition to your 10 day infectious period before returning to exercise. This allows you to recover and evaluate how your body transitions to higher levels of activity.

Return to regular daily and sleep patterns first

Get your body used to low activity levels such as going to work and walking around your house before you add more physical activity into your life.

Consult with your doctor

If you experience more severe symptoms, it is important that you check in with your doctor before you start to workout again. Your healthcare provider can help you make a plan that helps you stay safe and healthy.

Ease back into it

As you feel ready to add exercise back into your life, start with lower impact activities such as yoga, walking, and bodyweight movements. Check in with yourself as you increase the length of time and complexity of movements. Be patient and don’t push yourself, it’s not worth it.